For those who CE requirements end May -August..

Steve Silberberg Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2012
SUNY Stonybrook/SUNY/MIT
YOu can register for 32 Credits can be divided up so you take as many as you need for this licensing period and take on demand the ones you need for the next period. For example if your state's licensing calendar ends JUne 30th take as much as you need before and the rest afterward. The dates on your certificate is when you past the test!!!
YOu can register for 32 Credits can be divided up so you take as many as you need for this licensing period and take on demand the ones you need for the next period. For example if your state's licensing calendar ends JUne 30th take as much as you need before and the rest afterward. The dates on your certificate is when you past the test!!!

Thanks for that great information Steve.

That information should help a lot of ODs who are unaware of how to manage optimizing their CE obligations.
YOu can register for 32 Credits can be divided up so you take as many as you need for this licensing period and take on demand the ones you need for the next period. For example if your state's licensing calendar ends JUne 30th take as much as you need before and the rest afterward. The dates on your certificate is when you past the test!!!

Steve do we need to give the ARBO number? I think that's what it's called, to get credit?
As far as ce credits for licensure renewal in New York, can they all be done online, or do some have to be at lectures.