Attending the AAO Meeting in San Diego?

Paul Farkas

Staff member
Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
Mark down this very important time and date. Saturday December 14,2002 from 6am -8am, www.seniordoc. org will be hosting a breakfast meeting and conference.

Come and meet the people behind the "online personas"!

We'll trade practice management tips, network, and discuss the latest trends in practice-building Internet tools. Those attending will be well rewarded for showing up at that early hour!

This meeting is for our members and will be by invitation only. Expect to receive an e mail, invitation that will require an RSVP, in several weeks.

A good time will had by all!

More information

So that you may plan ahead , the invitation RSVP will allow you to bring a guest.

A key administrator in your practice who is attending the Academy meeting might be the ideal guest.

We appreciate the AAO allowing the availability of a meeting room at the San Diego Marriott.
Dr. Farkas,

What a great idea, do you think a different time could be aranged? As far as I know, some of our colleagues have examinations that day with the Academy and may not be able to make it.
What do you suggest?

The Academy requests that the time selected for special meetings not conflict with the regular schedule.

We selected an early morning time, feeling that this is not too early for those whose bodyclock is set for Europe, EST or CST. Unfortunately we can't please every one, so this is the best comprimise for a formal gathering.

Of course we can socialize at a myriad of other functions during the meeting. It should be fun!
New programs for the Academy meeting in San Diego

I'd like to add information about two other programs that will be piloted at the Academy meeting this year. On Thursday, 12/12 at 4:00, there is a discussion about why you should become a Fellow of the Academy. You will hear inspiring stories about OD's for whom Fellowship has been a key to their success. I will represent the Admittance committee (I chair the northeast region.) and will discuss points, case reports, and the oral exam.

Even more exciting is Friday's program. On Friday, 12/13 from 4-6 in the technology pavilion, there will be a workshop on writing case reports. You can bring your materials with you. We will provide a template, guidelines, and samples, and Admittance committee members will be on hand to provide one-on-one assistance. I also hope to stage a mock oral exam, so that you can see what it's like. I promise that when you leave that workshop, you will be well on your way to completing Fellowship in 2003.

Thank you, seniordoc, for letting me use this forum to promote this program. Our exams are Saturday morning, but I will do my best to stop in at your breakfast to say hello.

A worthy effort


Thank you for your efforts to make AAO admission a bit easier.

All it takes is attendance at one AAO meeting, to motivate ODs to have FAAO after their name. You leave the meeting feeling proud to be an Optometrist.

See you at the breakfast seminar even if only for a short time just to say hello.

Did you receive your e mail invitation

If not communicate with me immediately since an RSVP is needed by November 15.

We expect a good response. The fellowship, important presention combined with some good breakfast food should make for a memorable event.

Adam and I look forward to seeing most of our members who are attending the AAO meeting. We begin early enough not to interfere with other functions. We planned it that way.

AAO meeting

Hi Dr. Farkas,

Hope it's not too late but I'd like to atten the Seniordoc's meeting at the AAO.

Edmundo Fimbres
We set a place for you !

Hi Edmundo:

Happy you can join us.

An e mail notification to our members, who sent an RVSVP, will be going out in about 2 weeks as a final reminder and noting the meeting room. We do not wish our Breakfast Seminar to be opened up to the entire AAO meeting.

As a special bonus our webmaster, Adam W. Farkas.M.D., M.B.A. will put on his "Docwolf" recognized Health Care Informatics authority hat and present " Patient Relationship Management - Risk and Reward". It should be one of the educational highlights of the Conference.

See you in San Diego.

Paul I would also like to attend the breakfast if it's not too late. I am looking forward to the trip as will be my first AAO meeting...James
Your in

James if this is your first AAO meeting you are in for a treat. Our guest list should have some of the household Optometric names sharing your table.

I hope we can avoid discussing Politics. No sense having our classy meeting degenerating into a "food fight".

A message from the AAO President...

For those not on the AAO E- mailing list, President Bob Newcombe said...

"Academy 2002 in San Diego is shaping up to be our best annual meeting ever!

In earlier emails, I have talked about the great continuing education, the world-class speakers, and the cutting-edge scientific presentations. Today I want to focus on something just as important to the Academy: the Fellowship.

Over 3,000 optometrists, vision scientists, optometric students, and leaders in the ophthalmic industry have already registered for the meeting. They represent 49 of the 50 states, and over 30 countries! Imagine the energy produced when such a large and diverse group of individuals come together to share information and create bonds of friendship. Those of you who regularly attend the Academy will be seeing old friends and meeting new ones. However, if this will be your first meeting, prepare to be invigorated and inspired. As you begin to develop friendships with colleagues from around the world, you will experience what Academy Fellowship is all about.

Don't wait to register in San Diego. Several ticketed events are almost at capacity. Over 1,000 tickets to the plenary session and luncheon on Thursday have already been reserved. If you wait much longer, this and other events might be sold out.

Fellowship at an Academy annual meeting is really something special. There will be energy in the air. You who have attended before have felt it. Those of you attending for the first time will experience it. Do not miss this meeting; there will be something for everyone at Academy 2002.

I hope to see you in San Diego.

Robert D. Newcomb, OD, MPH, FAAO


Of course I'm prejudiced but I think our Breakfast Seminar will be a highlight. Not too late to join us if you are a Private forum member.

Dear Paul,

For those of us who have not been to the Academy before how would we get tickets for the lectures that Bob is talking about. My understanding is that classes are on a first come basis. Am I right or wrong? Any light you can shed on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Holidays!!

Go to the source...

Edmundo ...

It's best to email at or go to the AAO web site

You should receive a rapid response.

If you like the old fashioned telephone, the number is
301 984-1441.

See you in San Diego.


I hate I won't be able to make it to San Diego. Please make sure you get some pictures so I can see who I've been talking to for the past year.


Great idea Tom, but I don't think it's going to happen. There seems to be this ugly undertone about photography... ;)

Going to SECO? I'll be there. If anyone else is going to be there, watch out for my camera! :eek:
Final Comments before the AAO meeting.

The Breakfast Seminar scheduled on Saturday from 6-8am should be well attended.

Adam Farkas,MD, MBA our web master will be delivering a presentation "Patient Relationship Management and the Internet". For those unable to attend the AAO meeting the meeting will be videotaped and put on line.

For those attending the AAO Conference but having a conflicting meeting the Marriott Hall 6 where the Seminar is being held will remain available to interested in seeing the Wolf Bioscience "PatientWire" system. We'll have a T1 connection & the ability to surf the web.

A good time will be had by all!
Oh I forgot

For those who are not sick and tired of my opinionated posts, I'm presenting a 2 hour lecture and rant at the AAO. The title is "Choosing an Associate". It has value to those either looking for an Associate or a potential Associate going into a practice or wishing to leave Commercial Hell.

I'm presenting on Sunday from 9-11 am. don't forget to say hello if you are attending.

Will they be taping your lecture? I hate to miss it. Or maybe I could get the transcripts??

Hi Tom:

Usually the AAO tapes the lectures. I'll let you know after the presentation.

Paul Breakfast Seminar on line

An attempt will be made immediately after our seminar to place it on the Internet. to the best of my knowledge this should be a first for Optometry.

Adam assures me it will work. I'm always amazed! Stay tuned.