Future Vision

Paul Farkas

Staff member
Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
This article was passed on to me by Ted Kassalow and I thought it would be interest.


I did not type out what you see above. With Adam's guidance I have learned to copy and paste. As Adam said to me many times as I began whining "I'll never learn", he said "It's not brain surgery". Here is how you do it.

1.Find the article that is of interest
2.Highlight the address ( where it says http)
3.Click on edit (above address)
4.Click on copy
5.Go to the forum of your choice where the article would be appropriate
6. Write an introduction
7.click on edit( you got it.. above address)
8.Click on paste

Voila!! The site will not be highlighted until you post the message. Then you can share your new found knowledge with the community for discussion and evaluation.
Try it. After you do it a few times you too will say "It's not brain surgery".

Paul :)
The http did not highlight after I posted it . I can't figure out why.

Every thing I said to do is correct.

Adam Help!!

:( :( :(
It's great to have a web master that really understands computers.

Don't attempt to explain what you did.

Thank you Adam.
