How to Post a Comment

Paul Farkas

Staff member
Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
Many of our members are unfamiliar with posting on the internet. Once you have copleted your first post you will realize how simple it is and will not be intimidated.

Here it is Step by Step. Print this out and follow it exactly.

1. Log on to by clicking the previous blue underlined words. Remember clicking on any thing underlined will take you to the next step.

2.You are now on the Home Page.

2. In the left hand column you will find underlined the Word "Forums". Click on it.

3. You are now on a page that says Public Forums that can be read by any one. You are usually interested in the Private Forums.

4. You have choices of many Forums to visit. They begin with the State of Optometry and end with Retirement issues.

5. If you click on any of the underlined Forums you will have Topics called threads.

6. Click on any thread that interests you. You will find someone began a topic and there was ongoing conversation until the last person posted.

7. At the end of the last post if you wish to add your thoughts you must click “Post a Reply".

8. A box will appear that allows you to write in your comments.

9. At the bottom of the page you see “Preview your reply.” Click that button and you will see how your reply will appear. If you wish to correct errors immediately under the Reply there is a box that will appear similar to your original post. You can correct any errors and although it will not appear in the preview above it will appear in the final post.

10. When you are satisfied hit the “final Post “Button and your message will appear as the last one of the topic.

11. It you wish to begin a brand new topic begin by hitting the button to the left of the Reply Button.

12. Go through steps 8-9-10. You must give the topic a heading.

If these instructions still are not clear enough ask someone who is more familiar with web sites to follow these instructions with you participating in every step.
Good luck.
