ICD-10 Implementation – HIPAA - How to Avoid and Survive Audits (44830-PM)


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
speaker: Robert Rebello

There are more significant and difficult changes impacting Eyecare practices this year than in previous years. ICD-10 will be implemented this year.

ICD-10 is not a logical extension of ICD-9 and is confusing to many practices. In addition, many articles and seminars have incorrect information on ICD-10.

Meaningful Use Incentive Payments - Numerous practices have received incentive payments for from CMS. CMS has hired a firm to conduct audits on practices who have received incentive payments.

More practices fail an audit than pass. Many recent changes to HIPAA. Most practices are using out of date HIPAA forms. Insurance Audits have significantly increased in the past couple of years.

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