Internet Eye Care Advice

Paul Farkas

Staff member
Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
The public has become accustomed to expert opinions about products and services.

Some have become well known personalities and their opinions and advice followed by those who have confidence in them. An area where care must be exercised is health care advice. The issue was highlighted when a famous medical doctor was brought before a congressional committee and questioned about recommendations he made on his TV show...

That hearing received national attention. What slips under the radar is health care advice offered on the Internet by some using their professional degrees as an enticement.

What was brought to the attention to our optometric community was an ophthalmologist who was offering eye care advice for a fee on the Internet. The issue of legality and ethics offering advice and charging a fee came into question. In the case of this ophthalmologist, the MD lost his license and was prohibited from practicing.

There was no disclosure on the web site. Optometrists discussing this outrage were upset and hope further action will be taken to protect the public from this type activity.

Public service announcement by a reputable organzation such as the American Optometric Association are useful with valuable information..

Some eye care professionals have a practice web site where they answer their patients questions. Having seen the patient previously, these questions might be addressed without the need for a personal visit.

For any on line charges for eye care advice...Buyer Beware!