Patients will pay for quality, indie marketing group says - Optometry Today

market survey

Ah yes, expert advice from a "marketing" group. We all know that they are always RIGHT on the money, of course.

Anybody in "Professional Private Practice" of course already "knows" that this premise is of course true, or they would be out of business, and Everybody in commercial settings "knows" that it is complete BS, since they see patients based on price shopping, every day.

Obviously, some folks care about perception of quality, and some dont. I sure hope nobody paid very much to have this study done......:cool:
I will pay more for something that I feel is better. I feel most consumers do the same.

I think the article does a pretty good job of informing that reader that if you're going to provide better but more expensive goods, be sure to educate your patient how your products are better to justify their cost.