Building Your Practice with Digital iHealth & Multifocals


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Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego

Building Your Practice with Digital iHealth & Multifocals

Mile Brujic, OD
Jason R. Miller, OD, MBA

Doug Brayer, Director of Marketing, CooperVision

Adam W. Farkas, MD, MBA
I'm waiting to hear back from the person who won the raffle; if they don't get back to me within 24 hours, i use the runner-up; if they don't, then the 2nd runner up, etc.

We draw using random numbers generated at; the number picked corresponds to the row number on our webinar registration spreadsheet.

So that's about as truly random as one can get. :)

Anyway, as soon as we hear back, I'll post the winner here.

unanswered questions

time ran out at the end of the webinar, but here are the remaining questions that people asked. (Feel free to chime in with an answer!):

1. how do you manage patients who want a free trial demo based on advertising perceptions

2. fee structure for:
a. your patients who you fit with DV C/Ls who want to try mutifocals
b. Your patients who never wore C/Ls

c. new patients wearing contact lenses.
d. new patients never wearing contact lenses

3. management of patients unhappy with the result

4. are mutifocals as physically comfortable as single vision C/Ls

5. Fee for trial testing Proclear against all other multifocals
My $0.02

This is how I do it, (YMMV):

1."we include the first trial lens on all disposable fits for no additional charge"

2. We have 3 pricing groups: 1. new or former patient, 1st timer 2. new pt, previous wearer, and 3. former pt, previous wearer. We have 2 tiers in each groups: standard and premium. Std is spherical anything (except continuous wear or RGP) Prem. is everything else. We also have a Prem plus(extra $25), which is 2 or more Premium types (like toric monovision, modified monovision, RGP monovision, or continuous wear toric). So the most expensive is Premium Plus, 1st timer and the cheapest is former patient, previous wearer sphere. I don't charge a fitting fee if the pt tries them on and decides against the fit, or can't be trained to try the lens on in 30+ minutes. I do charge if they say they want to try them a week. No refunds for professional services.

3. We try something else or stop if they want to (if we've tried everything that makes sense, or everything that is available, I may suggest that we are running out of options, but I have 1 more lens that I want them to try) this doesn't happen very often. If you feel like you didn't try hard enough, give them their money back.

4. Yes, I don't typically hear complaints with comfort.

5. This ain't the Pepsi Challenge. If the change is physician directed, the fitting fee covers all trial lenses. If Joe Blow wants to try them all, 1 fitting fee for each pair of lenses (different brand each eye).
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These are great questions. Here are some thoughts:

1. All diagnostic lenses in our office are free but there are professional fees associated with the fitting of the lenses.

2. I think that Dr. Cobb posted a great response to this. We follow a similar logic in our office.

3. For patients who end up being unsuccessful, I will usually refund 50% of the fitting fee.

4. In my experience they are the same as their single vision lenses.

5. I would consider this a refit and charge accordingly.
Raffle Winner!

I'm happy to announce the winner of the raffle for the Flip Video Camera --
Dr. N. Jean Robinson of Houston, TX!

Thanks to everyone that participated in the webinar, I think this one was particularly educational.

Great Questions and Replies!
The only things I would add:

1. Free trial lens offers are a complete marketing tool for the manufacturers. Again, we offer diagnostic lenses with every CL Fit or Refit. But, this marketing tool can drive patients into our office. I encourage them to continue doing this.
2. I follow a similar pricing structure, but I separate the Return Pt or New Pt who brings in their CL Rx information (=CL Evaluation) versus a CL Fit / Refit (whether they are new or return). We have tiers in each depending on the complexity of the CL's we are fitting. Keratoconus / Ortho-K / Post-Refractive Surgery fits have the most expensive tier in our practice.
3. We don't refund any fitting fees. That is the fee for our time. The only time would be if the patient could not get them in. We will refund a portion of their fitting fee.
4. No problems with comfort.
5. Great response Dr.Cobb! Dead on.