CEwire2015: Livestream Interviews & Vendor Discounts!


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
We've distilled our 14 hours of live airtime down into something easy to watch!
(... and remember, you can still register & watch the lectures through August 17th.)

our deepest thanks to Marco Ophthalmic for sponsoring this livestreaming marathon!

1. CEwire2015: Sponsors and Discounts

Many of these large discounts are good through August 17th -- so you still have time to register for the conference & take advantage of them. Thanks again to all our sponsors for making these offers, we couldn't have had a conference without them!

2. Live Interview: Gretchyn Bailey, Editor in Chief, Content Channel Director, Optometry Times

Gretchyn talks to us about the changing nature of CE, publishing, and life online...

3. Live Interview: Leo Hadley, Vision Systems Inc.

@Leo Hadley Jr., the man behind VSI, talks to us about his experience running a CEwire2015 booth, and the incredible discounts on instruments that he's offering to anyone registered for the show.

4. Live Interview: Dr. Steven Nelson

You've read his writing, now listen to him in person. @Steven Nelson calls in to tell us how his CEwire2015 talk on medical billing and coding went.

5. Live Interview: Dr. Susan Resnick

@susan resnick called us just after she finished up her lecture on dry eye.

She offers more dry eye advice, talks about the growing interest in cosmetics, and what is was like to actually speak at the conference.

6. Signing Off! Whew! (Paul was out of it by then, thus replaced.)

Wait, we had a Reed sighting?!?!? I'll need to watch! I didn't catch it live.
Wait, we had a Reed sighting?!?!? I'll need to watch! I didn't catch it live.
He came in after paul bolted -- this was my cue to end the day's festivities.

I commend Paul for staying on-air for that long. :)
We've gotten word that IDOC and VSI will be extending their show specials to everyone who registered for the conference, and new registrants too, through August 17th.

So if you haven't signed up, now's the time! Signup here & start watching the courses. Once you sign up, you can also enter the vendor booths to claim your discounts.
