CEwire2018: Register by 1/1 for Early Bird Discount / $159


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Just a reminder to everyone that registration for CEwire2018 is now open, and the early bird price will be good through 1/1/2018.

We really tried to amp it up this year with 50 credits and a bunch of new speakers that we've never worked with before! (and of course bringing the lovely Gretchyn Bailey in-house!!)

Hope to see everyone there!

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WE do have Ms. Bailey on a 7 second delay FYI:(
Oh geez, I guess I do need to get that makeover to live up to the hype.

A seven-second delay may not be a bad idea...:eek:
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Oh geez, I guess I do need to get that makeover to live up to the hype.

A seven-second delay may not be a bad idea...:eek:
I'm the most likely to make use of it -- if something goes wrong with the tech, you'll hear about it. Loudly. :)
Just a reminder to everyone that registration for CEwire2018 is now open, and the early bird price will be good through 1/1/2018.

We really tried to amp it up this year with 50 credits and a bunch of new speakers that we've never worked with before! (and of course bringing the lovely Gretchyn Bailey in-house!!)

Hope to see everyone there!

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Adam: is there a schedule for specific times and lectures I could view? Thanks
Adam: is there a schedule for specific times and lectures I could view? Thanks
The show is Jan 20 & 21, starting at 11am ET, but the specific times of each lecture haven't been worked out yet (we coordinate with the speakers to see if anyone has a special time requirement -- that's the challenge with weekends, our biggest competitors are weddings and bar mitzvahs :) )

The full course list is here.
The speakers are getting in their requests for times. That will be forthcoming shortly
Yep Rich : This is shaping up to be the best conference yet. Thanks for the kudos
just took a look at the course line up and wow you guys knocked it out of the park, so much to offer

We didn't want the conference to get stale, so we upped the # of credits and brought in some new speakers. We asked them to give us fun material -- i think you can see from the titles of many of the presentations, this is going to be an unusual conference. [Agustin's talk should be.... informative! :) ]
Just a reminder to everyone that registration for CEwire2018 is now open, and the early bird price will be good through 1/1/2018.

We really tried to amp it up this year with 50 credits and a bunch of new speakers that we've never worked with before! (and of course bringing the lovely Gretchyn Bailey in-house!!)

Hope to see everyone there!

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As I try to register, there is a field for a promotional code. What code? I don't have one. I got an email from Eyecarepro about CEWire2018 but there doesn't seem to be anything resembling a code in that email.
Just a reminder to everyone that registration for CEwire2018 is now open, and the early bird price will be good through 1/1/2018.

We really tried to amp it up this year with 50 credits and a bunch of new speakers that we've never worked with before! (and of course bringing the lovely Gretchyn Bailey in-house!!)

Hope to see everyone there!

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What date does the "90 day on demand" CE start?? Thanks/ Happy New Year, Gary
What date does the "90 day on demand" CE start?? Thanks/ Happy New Year, Gary
Hi Gary,
It starts January 22nd -- and actually, is a little longer than 90 days (we close up shop May 1st :) )

As I try to register, there is a field for a promotional code. What code? I don't have one. I got an email from Eyecarepro about CEWire2018 but there doesn't seem to be anything resembling a code in that email.

To have access to a promotional code you must either be:

1. An ODwire.org supporting member

2. Previously taken CEwirecourse or GPLIwire2017 course

3. An American Board of Optometry diplomate or on a track to become one.
To have access to a promotional code you must either be:

1. An ODwire.org supporting member

2. Previously taken CEwirecourse or GPLIwire2017 course

3. An American Board of Optometry diplomate or on a track to become one.

As Paul mentioned, if you have taken a CEwire course before, you were e-mailed the discount code. If not, just send me a PM.

If you're a Supporting Member, you should see an announcement at the top of the page with a link to your code.

Hi Gary,
It starts January 22nd -- and actually, is a little longer than 90 days (we close up shop May 1st :) )


....and you know when our next round of CE starts here in IN? May 1st. I've hit my allowable online CE max so it wouldn't apply =(. Now if the credits were available for awhile after May 1 that would help those like myself.
....and you know when our next round of CE starts here in IN? May 1st. I've hit my allowable online CE max so it wouldn't apply =(. Now if the credits were available for awhile after May 1 that would help those like myself.

It is a balancing act for us -- we have a limited window in which we can run the talks, and we know that every state is on a different schedule (it would be great if they'd synchronize to the calendar year, but that's asking too much I know...)
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....and you know when our next round of CE starts here in IN? May 1st. I've hit my allowable online CE max so it wouldn't apply =(. Now if the credits were available for awhile after May 1 that would help those like myself.

At least you don't need a Florida License renewal. There no CEwire2018 courses count. :mad:
CEwire2018 is almost here!!

Looks like we actually over-shot, we have 51 credits on the schedule, not 50! (normally someone backs out/has a disaster/etc...).

Looking forward to a fun show.

The only hitch so far -- I've had the flu since monday, and I spoke with Gretchyn yesterday, she ALSO has been sick (sounds like Flu to me as well.) She's flying out here today for the live broadcast, but man... the studio should be quarantined!! (hint to Paul: enter at your own risk!)