Few CEwire Recommendations

Scott Caughell

ODwire.org Supporting Member
Nov 23, 2005
Visit site
Indiana University School of Optometry
Adam and others... thanks for the hard work putting this together. It is great to be able to sit at home and do the CE on demand.

Few quick recommendations and observations to improve the content:

1. More pharmaceutical lectures. In States like Indiana half of our hours must be pharmacology related. There was a bit of a dearth in this area.
2. Overlap. There is quite a bit of overlap with several of the lectures. Specifically dry eye, OSD, and imaging technologies
3. Handouts and downloads. It would be nice to have links or files to download some of the forms used by the presenters. The screen is too hard to read some of the text for those.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the suggestions. We'll have more time to prepare for CEwire2016. the key will be getting vendors to sponsor the program.I hope our 2015 participants spent some time with the vendors to encourage their participation next year.

Keep those suggestions coming.