Ocular Surface Wellness: What, Why & How


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Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego


Wellness is one of the key megatrends in medicine today.

For optometrists, promoting ocular surface wellness can be an important opportunity to help educate patients on maintaining a healthy ocular surface and is a fundamental shift in thinking from problem solving to prevention.

If your practice fits contact lenses or manages ocular surface conditions, ocular surface wellness can be a natural addition.

In this webinar, Kelly K. Nichols, OD, MPH, PhD, FAAO, a global leader in ocular surface science, will explain what ocular surface wellness means and how promoting wellness can enhance patient quality of life.


Kelly K. Nichols, OD, MPH, PhD, FAAO, is a clinician and globally acclaimed leader in ocular surface science.

Now dean of the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry, she formerly was a professor of optometry at the University of Houston and executive director of The Ocular Surface Institute there.

Prior to that she was a faculty member at The Ohio State University College of Optometry from 2000-2011.

She currently serves as a medical adviser to the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation, an executive board member of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society, and a founding member of Ocular Surface Society of Optometry.

She is on the editorial boards of the journals Optometry and Vision Science, and The Ocular Surface and chaired the Steering Committee of International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.
Thanks again to Dr. Nichols for the great talk. If you've got any questions, feel free to ask 'em here!
