Dr. Susan Resnick on Blepharoptosis and Upneeq


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Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego

In this CEwire2020 clip, @susan resnick discusses the diagnosis and treatment of blepharoptosis in her NY-based optometric practice. We also chat about a new drug, Upneeq, and which patients might be good candidates for this treatment.

Nice video adam. Thx for doing
I've run into a little snag with Upneeq. My rep was stopping by regularly to leave samples and often commented on the relatively high percentage of patients of mine who actually purchased the product through their pharmacy.

The rep hasn't been by in about a month-a call to the company says samples are now ordered online, with a maximum of three samples.

After some difficulty the three were ordered online. I have patient names already attached to these, so it looks like this new sampling policy is going to significantly curtail my usage.

(Took their sign down today)
I've run into a little snag with Upneeq. My rep was stopping by regularly to leave samples and often commented on the relatively high percentage of patients of mine who actually purchased the product through their pharmacy.

The rep hasn't been by in about a month-a call to the company says samples are now ordered online, with a maximum of three samples.

After some difficulty the three were ordered online. I have patient names already attached to these, so it looks like this new sampling policy is going to significantly curtail my usage.

(Took their sign down today)

Um, time to retract my tirade. The 3 samples arrived today, but they were 5# per box. Apologies for spreading bad information.
I have a patient who has ectropion on one eye. I was addressing blepharitis with lid debridement and instilled a drop of Predniferen (prednisolone and phenylephrine) following, and noticed incidentally that that lower lid went back up into place after the drop for unknown short length of time. So I postulate that the ectropion has a cause due to neurology. Has Upneeq ever been used for ectropion of the lower lid in the same way that it can be used for upper lid ptosis?
I have a patient who has ectropion on one eye. I was addressing blepharitis with lid debridement and instilled a drop of Predniferen (prednisolone and phenylephrine) following, and noticed incidentally that that lower lid went back up into place after the drop for unknown short length of time. So I postulate that the ectropion has a cause due to neurology. Has Upneeq ever been used for ectropion of the lower lid in the same way that it can be used for upper lid ptosis?
as upneeq works similarly to phenylephrine, may be worth it to start pt on upneeq and see how it goes
as upneeq works similarly to phenylephrine, may be worth it to start pt on upneeq and see how it goes
I can't Rx here and we don't have Upneeq in Aus. I would have to suggest his GP to have this compounded for him but wanted to see if anyone else has done this first.
Having trouble with ordering samples (again). They've shifted to their own MySampleCloset, but this is what I'm getting:

Place an Order​

Out Of Stock​

1 (pack)
Minimum quantity limit:1

Maximum quantity limit:1

I have very little motivation to use this product, but have made some patients with ptosis very happy. What gives?
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Requested samples a couple of weeks ago - nothing - not even an email saying "back ordered".
Having trouble with ordering samples (again). They've shifted to their own MySampleCloset, but this is what I'm getting:

Place an Order​

Out Of Stock​

1 (pack)
Minimum quantity limit:1

Maximum quantity limit:1

I have very little motivation to use this product, but have made some patients with ptosis very happy. What gives?
Yes, sampling is limited. We instill in office, photo documenting the before and after as part of our evaluation. We then prescribe a one month supply to be delivered directly to the patient with a 12 month refill. The original supply allows them to “amply” sample. We are very successful with this product and this approach.
If I'm unable to secure samples, there won't be anything for me to instill in the office. Am I to purchase it? What is my motivation to do so? Maybe I'll just remove their add banner for now.
If I'm unable to secure samples, there won't be anything for me to instill in the office. Am I to purchase it? What is my motivation to do so? Maybe I'll just remove their add banner for now.
Scott where are you located? I will contact RVL for you. Would you kindly email me your contact info and I will pass it along to get an inside rep for you.
If I'm unable to secure samples, there won't be anything for me to instill in the office. Am I to purchase it? What is my motivation to do so? Maybe I'll just remove their add banner for now.
Scott where are you located? I will contact RVL for you. Would you kindly email me your contact info and I will pass it along to get an inside rep for you.
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personally I treat upnique in a similar way to vuity. lets prescribe it and see how it does.

have used vuity way more but have a couple upnique that did like it

this supports the companies and the pts as well. win-win.
The power of OD Wire. Thanks again, Susan.

UPNEEQ (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) 0.1% 5 single patient-use vials​

UPNEEQ (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) 0.1% 5 single patient-use vials

Brand: Upneeq
Manufactured By: RVL Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Distributed By: RVL Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Place an Order​

In Stock​

1 (pack)
Minimum quantity limit:1

Maximum quantity limit:2
I know of a doctor who has an “anti aging” screening, where she will charge a screening fee on top of a routine exam ( or copay) for the doctor and patient to have a discussion about upneeq, sample it at the office, and be given an rx if so desired. I believe it also included a follow up.
Received a letter today from RVL Pharmacy LLC:

Thank-You for your interest...we are not able to fulfill your request at this time, as it does not meet the regulatory requirements:


This seems odd to me, in that there has no problem ordering for patients. Obviously I'm getting the run-around.