CEwire2016: What's New


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Ok, so it is no secret that we are deep in the planning stages for CEwire2016, and registration for the event will be opening shortly.

About 1,500 docs attended CEwire2015 and we're aiming much higher for this next event.

In order to make the next show better, we sent out a survey to attendees. The results were gratifying:
  • 97% of people who took CEwire2015 said they would recommend it to their peers.
  • 94% of people who took CEwire2015 report that they intend to take CEwire2016. (the folks who likely wouldn't take the next show said they had met their credit requirements, so they didn't need any more for now.)

A bunch of folks gave us very nice testimonials (thanks!), but we also asked for criticism.

The most common issues that people brought up:
  • Couldn't figure out how to get their certificates after the show was done/tracking issues
  • Don't do it in spring, because the on-demand period goes through summer, when everyone is playing, not working :) Or extend the on-demand period.
  • More show specials/vendor interaction

So we went back and tried to address these issues:
  • There will now be a big honking icon right on the front page of the site "Certificates", that is impossible to miss.
  • We're going to watch the Tracker closely to make sure that all the credits are transmitted in a timely fashion (we submit in batches to ARBO -- those batches should be more frequent this time around, no one wants to wait weeks to see the credits appear.)
  • Moving the event to early winter, when people are cold and trapped in their houses, so that the on-demand period ends when it gets warm outside.
  • We're encouraging the vendors at this event to really amp up their show specials. Remember for equipment vendors, this is a great venue because they don't have to carry their stuff to a trade show floor, which is expensive and a huge hassle. Thus we hope they will pass the savings onto you.

The conference will also have several other key enhancements that we felt were important:
  • Even more credit hours (!) We're up to about 50 COPE-approved CE hours. We want to give people as much choice as possible when taking courses. No one should have to sit through something boring!
  • Holding the line on price -- still around $3 a credit, and in the case of the "all-access" office pass, way lower.
  • Based on feedback last time, we've adjusted the content of the courses, we will have multiple tracks including a big medical track and several lectures on specialty contact lenses (including two intro to sclerals, for those who want to dip their toes in the water.)
  • We invited - and were pleased to get - several OMD speakers who created COPE-approved lectures on topics that we thought would be interesting -- like refractive surgery, cataract co-management, and the eye & systemic disease. (and of course, everyone's favorite Dr. Friedberg is back with 4 hours this time!)
  • Our "CEwire2016 Livestream" will be on the air with Paul and I talking for all 14 hours. This time we'll have lots more people to interview, and we'll be giving you the blow-by-blow as the conference unfolds.
More to follow later this week....
I don't know that I want to watch you and Paul live for 14 hours...:D

The conversation during the last few will either be very interesting or you'll both be passed out.
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I'm considering a flight to Oregon to sit in Adam's basement with them.
shhhh... not basement... "Headquarters", "The ODwirePlex"..... "ODwire Central" :)
the pot smell would be overwhelming...
Fourteen hours is a lot of air time. Even I run out of stories.

For those who want to participate in our interviews let us know and we'll schedule you in.
Will I be able to say "epithet "again? :D

Editor's note: Absolutely as long as will quote your comment as said in Optometry Times.
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We had a near power outage (wind storm) during our last webinar tuesday -- the lights flickered and the UPS's on all the servers had to take over power for several minutes. Good thing there were no cameras around, you would have seen some flop sweat! But the Bunker proved it could handle any catastrophe :)
How many generators do you have ready to go for CEWire 2016?
speaking of censoring...anyone read the ODsonFB post from AG about his policy of no politics. ODWire gets a large number of shout outs, without being mentioned by name
speaking of censoring...anyone read the ODsonFB post from AG about his policy of no politics. ODWire gets a large number of shout outs, without being mentioned by name

Too funny -- i guess we're so tainted by political discussions, that our name is banned too!
THAT is my legacy to ODwire. You're welcome.
THAT is my legacy to ODwire. You're welcome.

BTW Gretchyn, your interview met all of our strict requirements, including the most important operating principle we have: DON'T BE BORING! :)
I hope I am not boring, expletives and all....
I hope I am not boring, expletives and all....
As long as you are concerned about being boring you won't be.

I worry more about the "Johnny one note" who keeps repeating the same theme...boring.