2019 Best Practices Honorees Announced!


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego

Episode 1: All About the Best Practices Program & Introducing the 2019 Honorees!

Now in it’s fourth year, the CooperVision Best Practices program recognizes and celebrates practices in the U.S. that elevate the profession through innovation, industry leadership and patient experience.

In this ODwire TV episode, Dr. Michele Andrews, Senior Director of Professional & Academic Affairs at CooperVision announces the 2019 Best Practices honorees and talks about the genesis of the program.
Thanks again to Michele for taking the time to speak with us about the program. If you want to skip ahead to see the 2019 batch of honorees, we show them off at around the 10 minute mark!

I'm looking forward to meeting with all of the honoree practices over the course of the year; Each one will give us a different tidbit or pearl that has helped them build their practices!
I'll also be attending the Best Practices Summit later in the month in TX; hope to have some good footage from the event & i'm looking forward to meeting everyone in person!

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