#60 Dr. Reed Bro - 5 Questions on the Health & Safety of Flexible Wear and AONDA


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Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
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#60 Dr. Reed Bro - 5 Questions on the Health & Safety of Flexible Wear and AIR OPTIX® NIGHT & DAY® AQUA
Dr. Reed Bro
Colorado Springs, CO

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In this short ODwire.org Radio interview, we talk to Dr. Reed Bro, about the health & safety of one of the most popular brands of contact lenses used for flexible wear, the AIR OPTIX® NIGHT & DAY® AQUA.

We hit on a few major points, including:

  • The % of patients engaging in flexible wear that are actually wearing lenses approved for that purpose.
  • The safety profile of AONDA based on existing research.
  • Comfort, dryness, and oxygen permeability as factors for patients continuing with a flexible wear schedule.
If you've got any follow-up questions for Dr. Bro, feel free to ask them here!