A New Feature

Paul Farkas

Staff member
Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
After numerous requests, Docwolf our webmaster has designed a “Post Anonymously” addition that may be found on the Main Menu. This system allows seniordoc.org members who because of occupational, political or personal reasons, to express opinions on our Forums with complete confidentiality.

As with all posts there is no editing or censorship. However, if the material is insulting, obscene or may present legal problems for seniordoc.org, we reserve the right not to post.

The only individuals receiving your anonymous e-mail is our Web master and the Administrator. Please understand that I will not be able to notify you of either receipt or rejection because your name and location are completely deleted prior to my receiving your communication.

At last a system is in place that will permit those members who are in sensitive positions to explain some of the reasons for controversial decisions by their Company or Organization! This anonymity will also afford vulnerable members who do not wish to be connected to a question or comment to participate.

We have some great topics on our various Forums. Why not re read some of the topics from the past where you were itching to respond but hesitated. Now is your chance to offer your opinions in the privacy of anonymity.

Is this a response from someone with a backbone?

Our new feature...

Topic Title: 'anonymous wussies'

Message Body:

"this option is for wussy pussies with no backbone!
tell them all to get a life and stand up and be counted"

As I said in the previous post, it is better to be counted but sometimes discrection is the better part of valor. Don't let this person who did not "stand up and be counted" hold you back from adding important information and opinions anonymously.
