Allowed Internet CE by State...Please contribute

Paul Farkas

Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
The last survey done was for CEwire2016 to allow ODs to determine how many on line CE credits for re-licensure are allowed by their state board...

During the past year, your state board may have changed their allowable number of credits.
CEwire 2017 has made every effort to address concerns of some state boards.

CEwire2017 Live! scheduled for 1/28/17 and 1/29/17 may meet your state board criteria for live attendance, adding as much as 14 hours for CE credit. On those two days the presenter of their course will be in attendance in real time, answering your questions during the course period.

In addition, the system will be certain you are in attendance during the scheduled course. As with all the courses there is a 10 question multiple choice quiz that requires a passing grade of 70% before an automatic. submission to the state board for CE credit. You may review the course material as often as needed through 5/1/17 at no additional cost, until you achieve a passing grade.

CEWire2017 is confident that our efforts will have the needed effect of considering our
CEwire2017 Live! days will be considered live attendance by many state boards.

As a service to ODs can you check with your state board to determine their position regarding on line CE for 2017 and share it with us.

Thank you.
Mississippi - 4 hrs online, ridiculous I know.
Ohio 10 hours

New Jersey..

Maximum of 20 hours online CE, of which 10 can be oral/tpa.
Mississippi - 4 hrs online, ridiculous I know.

Thank you for the very rapid responses. All three appear to have no change from 2016.

Did you actually communicate with your state board regarding CEwire2017 Live! That where there is a major difference from other on line courses. The instructor is present in real time.
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2016- 16 hours online ( all)
2017 - 10 hours online (moved up to 20 hours needed)

This was proposed by the VOA, obvious they just want more money for conferences etc. I mean, do we really need four more hours a year and required traveling expenses for the rest of our career because Lifitegrast came out?
Oregon - all 18/year.

2016- 16 hours online ( all)
2017 - 10 hours online (moved up to 20 hours needed)

This was proposed by the VOA, obvious they just want more money for conferences etc. I mean, do we really need four more hours a year and required traveling expenses for the rest of our career because Lifitegrast came out?

Wait until the ROCK inhibitors come to fruition. That will easily add 5 hours/year for forever.
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Thank you for the very rapid responses. All three appear to have no change from 2016.

Did you actually communicate with your state board regarding CEwire2017 Live! That where there is a major difference from other on line courses. The instructor is present in real time.

I asked the board after the first CE wire and they said it didn't matter still 10 hours Ohio

I asked the board after the first CE wire and they said it didn't matter still 10 hours Ohio


Too bad. The CEWire2017 Live! initiative makes on line education, in my opinion, superior to to sitting in a crowded classroom. How are ODs evaluated if they have absorbed the material if there is no quiz? The room is dark and a perfect place to play with an iPad or take a nap.

By having attendance guaranteed and the ability to ask the instructor questions in real time, combined with passing a quiz there is a far greater chance the OD will be educated. If they fail the quiz they can retake the course and quiz through
May 1, 2017 at no additional charge.

This approach is in the public interest guaranteeing the OD has leaned the material.. State boards mission is to protect the public.

We have to hope some state boards will reconsider their position and make life easier for practicing OD.
The last survey done was for CEwire2016 to allow ODs to determine how many on line CE credits for re-licensure are allowed by their state board...

During the past year, your state board may have changed their allowable number of credits.
CEwire 2017 has made every effort to address concerns of some state boards.

CEwire2017 Live! scheduled for 1/28/17 and 1/29/17 may meet your state board criteria for live attendance, adding as much as 14 hours for CE credit. On those two days the presenter of their course will be in attendance in real time, answering your questions during the course period.

In addition, the system will be certain you are in attendance during the scheduled course. As with all the courses there is a 10 question multiple choice quiz that requires a passing grade of 70% before an automatic. submission to the state board for CE credit. You may review the course material as often as needed through 5/1/17 at no additional cost, until you achieve a passing grade.

CEWire2017 is confident that our efforts will have the needed effect of considering our
CEwire2017 Live! days will be considered live attendance by many state boards.

As a service to ODs can you check with your state board to determine their position regarding on line CE for 2017 and share it with us.

Thank you.
I believe Wisconsin is 6 hours per 2 year cycle.
I was hoping someone would check with their state board to determine if CEwire2017Live! can be considered the same as attending a live bricks and mortars presentation.

Using the data that is linked above does not assist in knowing if your state board has changed their allowable on line hours for the past year.
I wonder if this is something that could be challenged in court if state boads refuse to allow live taking of internet classes as equal to going to physical classes? The internet lecture with questions and answers and a test is clearly superior.

Seems to me someone must be getting kickbacks from the continuing education industry to oppose live internet classes. I'm going to send Putin an email today and see if he can get to the bottom of this.
Too bad. The CEWire2017 Live! initiative makes on line education, in my opinion, superior to to sitting in a crowded classroom. How are ODs evaluated if they have absorbed the material if there is no quiz? The room is dark and a perfect place to play with an iPad or take a nap.

By having attendance guaranteed and the ability to ask the instructor questions in real time, combined with passing a quiz there is a far greater chance the OD will be educated. If they fail the quiz they can retake the course and quiz through
May 1, 2017 at no additional charge.

This approach is in the public interest guaranteeing the OD has leaned the material.. State boards mission is to protect the public.

We have to hope some state boards will reconsider their position and make life easier for practicing OD.

You will want to keep the approach aimed at the public welfare, yes.

Effective CME/CE is possible. Some is, some isn't. Identifying an issue (practice gap), assessing the need, planning the education properly, and screening for effectiveness (more than a test, yet might not include a test) is the way of accredited CME/CE. One doesn't need to always succeed; one needs to assess and then seek to improve the next time. Your format will ultimately allow for this IMO and fairly easily.

It's difficult to effect change. There will be pushback. But, it's difficult to resist positive effects on knowledge, competency, and performance in practice.

Sent from my iPad using mobile app
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To update Virginia, the new rules state:

2017 Virginia Optometry CE Requirements:

  1. At least 10 hours shall be obtained through real-time, interactive activities, including in-person or electronic presentations, provided that during the course of the presentation, the licensee and the lecturer may communicate with one another;

  2. No more than two hours may consist of courses related to recordkeeping, including coding for diagnostic and treatment devices and procedures or the management of an optometry practice, provided that such courses are not primarily for the purpose of augmenting the licensee's income or promoting the sale of specific instruments or products; and

  3. For TPA-certified optometrists, at least 10 hours shall be in the areas of ocular and general pharmacology, diagnosis and treatment of the human eye and its adnexa, including treatment with new pharmaceutical agents, or new or advanced clinical devices, techniques, modalities, or procedures.
Would CEwire actually work for the ten hours of live coverage needed? What proof would I need to prove that the courses are acceptable. Is CEwire courses even approved by the Virginia Board, they have very specific requirements and if not put on by a state Association or School they say they do not count unless you get approval first.
Would CEwire actually work for the ten hours of live coverage needed? What proof would I need to prove that the courses are acceptable. Is CEwire courses even approved by the Virginia Board, they have very specific requirements and if not put on by a state Association or School they say they do not count unless you get approval first.

I suggest you select the 10 hours of courses you wish to take live on 1/28/17 and 1/29/17 and submit it to your state board. The courses have already been COPE approved twice. First for live presentation and then recorded for on-line function.

Don't know about this year, but last year Texas did allow for the hours to be considered "live, in person" if done during the CEWire weekend in addition to the 8 for internet.

from Texas Board:

Dr. Jensen:
The course is not approved by the Board yet, but only the courses presented as live webinars (February 8 & 9, 2020) will receive live credit.

Chris Kloeris

Executive Director

Texas Optometry Board
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Don't know about this year, but last year Texas did allow for the hours to be considered "live, in person" if done during the CEWire weekend in addition to the 8 for internet.

I sent the following communication to the Texas State Board...

CEwire2020 rolls out on 2/8/20. During the first two days, we offer live with the Cope approved courses and educator in attendance to answer questions in real time. Participants can take up to 16 hours of courses live on 2/8/20 and 2/9/20. The certificate will state they attended the live interactive sessions. The certificate will be passed on to the state board after they pass the quiz for the course achieving a 70% score.

Please review the CEwire website for additional details…

Since the rollout where Texas ODs could take the courses for interactive live credit is 2 weeks away your immediate attention would be appreciated.Allowing live credit for these courses would be a benefit to Texas ODs.

Thank you.

Paul Farkas, MS, OD, FAAO
I sent the following communication to the Texas State Board...

CEwire2020 rolls out on 2/8/20. During the first two days, we offer live with the Cope approved courses and educator in attendance to answer questions in real time. Participants can take up to 16 hours of courses live on 2/8/20 and 2/9/20. The certificate will state they attended the live interactive sessions. The certificate will be passed on to the state board after they pass the quiz for the course achieving a 70% score.

Please review the CEwire website for additional details…

Since the rollout where Texas ODs could take the courses for interactive live credit is 2 weeks away your immediate attention would be appreciated.Allowing live credit for these courses would be a benefit to Texas ODs.

Thank you.

Paul Farkas, MS, OD, FAAO

I have received an immediate response from the Texas Optometry State Board that they are meeting on 1/30/20 and since the courses are COPE approved there is a good chance that it will be allowed as taken live on 2/8/20 and 2/9/20.

Stay tuned.

This is an old topic that has relevance today and was moved from the general forum.
If you go to the ARBO Website it will provide you with the information for each state. Here is the link:

Good advice to check updated optometry state board rulings.

You might find that some state boards have moved into the 21st century. There might be an increase for on line credits.

More important however, is that your state board might have followed The New York State optometry board lead to consider On line courses that are taken in real time with the instructor on hand to answer questions, to be like a "Brick and Mortar" course.

If so, take advantage of CEwireLive on 2/8/20 and 2/9/20. Take up to 16 hours of COPE approved C/E from the comfort of your home. Your attendance will reflect you took the courses live.

You can take the quiz any time up to 8/1/20. You can revisit the courses and then get the 70% passing grade at which time your course will be sent on to your state board. Nothing can be easier.
Minnesota checks in -- they will accept our 'live' credits as 'live', assuming you show up for the 'live' hours. That's according to one doc who just reached out to their board. :)
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Minnesota checks in -- they will accept our 'live' credits as 'live', assuming you show up for the 'live' hours. That's according to one doc who just reached out to their board. :)

CEwire2020 staff has limited time before the meeting. We cannot reach out to 50 individual state boards.

Do yourself a favor. Check with your state board if the "Live and Interactive" on CEwire2020 2/8/20 and 2/9/20 can be counted as "live" credits. That could give you up to 16 hours ,where you do not have to travel to a "Brick and Mortar" course.
Texas Update: Approved as "LIVE" if watched 2-8 and 2-9. 4 hours general, 58 hours D/T


Also, do any of the course count for:
2020 Opioid Courses

Optometrists prescribing or dispensing Schedule III opioids are required to take a one hour board approved continuing education course covering best practices, alternative treatment options, and multi-modal approaches to pain management that may include physical therapy, psychotherapy, and other treatments to renew for 2021.
Chris Kloeris <>
To:Kent Jensen
Feb 6 at 11:34 AM
Dr. Jensen:
No fast reply this time. I will not be able to find out if the CE Wire courses will count as the Opioid course by this weekend. They will count as normal CE however for sure.
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