Another great CE event!

May 17, 2006
UMSL College of Optometry
St. Louis
Thanks to all of the personnel both in front of and behind the scenes who made CEwire2023 a fun and successful event. This is my favorite method of obtaining continuing education. COVID notwithstanding, not having to contend with the issues associated with conventional CE (travel hassles, absence from work, hotels, etc.) makes ODwire a bargain beyond description. It would be worth attending for twice the price.
Keep up the good work folks and I'm looking forward to CEW2024.
Bob Smith
Thank you Dr. Smith! The team works hard to make it special every event. All appreciate your kudos
Don't forget!

The On Demand with 60 hours of C/E available through 12/1/23 with needed quiz. Until that time the speakers are available to answer questions on their topic.

That is a value added not available anywhere else.
Don't forget!

The On Demand with 60 hours of C/E available through 12/1/23 with needed quiz. Until that time the speakers are available to answer questions on their topic.

That is a value added not available anywhere else.
When are the on demand videos available?
Not there....
Links... on demand videos.... "no content here yet"
How do we print out our hours? I have to deal with the useless money grab of CEBroker.

There was a tab during the conference where it would pull up your hours and info, but the "transcripts" tab is as close as I can get and it's not there.