Another great day at CEwire2023

Thanks Steve, it was fun! I'm sure your voice must be shot today.

The software worked well, each time we go through it gives us an opportunity to refine it based on actual user feedback, so at the September event folks will see some changes around the edges, mostly related to the user interface. [ie, making stuff clear for us presbyopes]

The critical thing is that the platform has now proven itself to be reliable under load -- the support burden has started to drop [we had very few actual problems this weekend -- 99.99% of people's systems worked fine, and everyone seemed to know how to work the software at the conference], which is exactly what we intended when we set about rewriting the CEwire software from scratch in 2021!

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Yes 8 hours of talking X two days and I have to cancel my tour backing up Taylor Swift this week :eek:
Thanks Steve, it was fun! I'm sure your voice must be shot today.

The software worked well, each time we go through it gives us an opportunity to refine it based on actual user feedback, so at the September event folks will see some changes around the edges, mostly related to the user interface. [ie, making stuff clear for us presbyopes]

The critical thing is that the platform has now proven itself to be reliable under load -- the support burden has started to drop [we had very few actual problems this weekend -- 99.99% of people's systems worked fine, and everyone seemed to know how to work the software at the conference], which is exactly what we intended when we set about rewriting the CEwire software from scratch in 2021!

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First time participant, great job guys! Thanks for the hard work!
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And there is more!

Visit the private discussions group to answer questions posed by fellow course taker by the speaker. Chat with fellow ODs about experiences based on course material...

Very private limited to the CEwire 2023 participants. A unique on line feature as a bonus attending CEwire on line education....
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It was almost...[gasp]....boring when we weren't yammering on about GoldBelly.... CEwire just works too well, Adam! :cool:
It was almost...[gasp]....boring when we weren't yammering on about GoldBelly.... CEwire just works too well, Adam! :cool:
(good) software design is iterative, so every time we do another live event, it is a learning experience for me and the engineers working behind the scenes.

Since the redesigned software was first rolled out at NORA in 2021, and through all the live events we've had since, I've had 2-3 folks on the engineering side working with me in Slack as the live conference unfolds -- when I start ignoring the conversation during the livestream and you see me typing, that's some of what I'm doing [in addition to helping users].

Once the live event is over, we debrief (as I'm doing with them this week) to try to figure out what worked, what didn't, and what needs to be changed the next go-around. Rinse and repeat, until the platform is as good as it can be.

The show this past weekend we made some last second configuration changes right before classes started on saturday [always scary], but other than that, the software ran without need for intervention.

The bulk of the issues we have at this point center around refining the user experience, not core engineering problems. And those are great problems to have!
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Another great program. Was wondering Steve, does NJ accept Synchronous as "live " credits ? Trying to find out without success.
Yes as of now. Spoke with Tanya on board, That's as of now who knows in future