CEwire2020: 64 Live Credits, Aug 22-23


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Hi everyone, just a reminder that CEwire2020 is starting up again tomorrow (Saturday, Aug 22.) If you've already registered, your previous login info will work to get you back into the conference.

If you need to register, go here.

We have all 64 LIVE credits on tap this weekend!

We've streamlined the way you get your credits as well. Enter your OE Tracker # in once, and then just watch the lectures.

If you've watched the ENTIRE lecture, that course gets credited to your account. No need to attest to the fact that you were there, or sign in, or anything similar.

Watch the short video below to see where to enter your OE Tracker # if you haven't already (we'll also show you how to do it in the chat boxes during each session tomorrow, so no one gets confused.) You'll only need to make sure your tracker # is entered once (and is correct), and you're done... sit back and watch the talks.