CEwire2022 Returns Live/Interactive on Sept 10 & 11; On Demand Extended to December 1st


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
As many of you know ARBO has extended their "temporary" rule change through year-end.

In response, we've gotten the majority of our speakers to agree to come back for one more interactive round at CEwire2022!

So... We'll be back live on September 10 & 11. [View Schedule]

We've also decided to extend the on demand period to December 1, 2022.

None of this was expected; we do our best to conform to ARBO's rules, so... consider this a bonus! (Remember: if you've registered for any prior CEwire2022 interactive event, your pass is still good at the September talks.)


Register here: https://www.cewire2022.com
Many thanks to the majority of our speakers who said yes to attend their presentation in person for an additional weekend. This allows CEwire2022 to offer a special value added for present signups and an opportunity to those fence sitters who waited, uncomfortable with on line C/E.

Taking 20 hours of live classes over a weekend plus 60 hours "on demand" through 12/1/22 is a great value. Ask the opinions of those who have taken the courses. The material is great and the quality of the presenters outstanding.

Any present CEwire2022 course takers wish to comment? That would be most appreciated.
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Many thanks to the majority of our speakers who said yes to attend their presentation in person for an additional weekend. This allows CEwire2022 to offer a special value added for present signups and an opportunity to those fence sitters who waited, uncomfortable with on line C/E.

Taking 20 hours of live classes over a weekend plus 60 hours "on demand" through 12/1/22 is a great value. Ask the opinions of those who have taken the courses. The material is great and the quality of the presenters outstanding.

Any present CEwire2022 course takers wish to comment? That would be most appreciated.
And just as an FYI, i'm drawing up the schedule now; so far we've only lost 5 hours total, so we'll be offering 55 hours, minimally, over that weekend. We may add a couple of new hours depending on how quickly I can get things organized!

Again, I'm trying to keep the structure of the schedule similar to the other shows, so people can hit the courses that ran against the same classes last time. It is a juggling act.

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Reminder to all CEwire2022 folks, we've got the course schedule loaded for the September event, you can download it here:


If you log into CEwire2022, you see you can click on each course and add it to your google calendar or outlook, so you can have a reminder and a direct link to the specific class you want to attend. (that's a new feature this year, I hope people have been taking advantage of it!)

Should be a fun event, it is probably the last interactive one we do this year as we get ready for CEwire2023 (gah!!)

-- adam
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Hi Adam, I don’t have an OE tracker number. What do I need to
do in order to get credits?
Hi Ken,

You don't necessarily need one but you'll have to download your own certificates instead. go to the certificate center where we archive all of your certificates for download.

I would strongly recommend getting an OE tracker # from ARBO -- it is free AFAIK. Go here to get one.

Then once you have a number, you can update your profile here.

Even if you don't routinely use the account with your board, it is super-handy to have, because ARBO will keep track of your credits for you.

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