Driving with glaucoma? Some patients increase scanning to adapt for impaired ... - Science...

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Jul 30, 2007
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Technology also helps. New cars technology that detects cars in your blind spots, to the sides and behind. Active cruise control. Auto braking.

One thread highlights Tesla's Autopilot.

We'll have completely autonomous cars in a decade, which will be fantastic for the elderly and impaired.
Technology also helps. New cars technology that detects cars in your blind spots, to the sides and behind. Active cruise control. Auto braking.

One thread highlights Tesla's Autopilot.

We'll have completely autonomous cars in a decade, which will be fantastic for the elderly and impaired.

If the tech can be made to work it would be an incredible step towards keeping people out of assisted living. Or living with their adult kids :)
Driving with glaucoma? Some patients increase scanning to adapt for impaired ...
Science Codex
October 27, 2015 - Some people with glaucoma-related binocular (both eyes) vision loss can pass a standard driving test by adopting increased visual scanning behavior, reports a study in the October issue of Optometry and Vision Science, official ...

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Do any states still require VF testing? CA does not. I have had many patients pass DMV acuity yet much worse in vision exam. A couple were 20/200, many below 20/40. One man had 2 auto accidents before he realized his visual field was reduced on one side.