How are we doing?

Paul Farkas

Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
For those who took the CEwire2020Live presentation some feedback please.

What did you think of content and quality.

The technical credit issues are being addressed. Hopefully the Sunday courses will have the problem resolved.

The attendance broke all records for an optometric meeting.
Context - liked the diversity of topics.

Favorites - Stuck on You, Acquired Brain Injury (except for the terrible, inconsistent audio - I will definitely listen to this lecture again), Ten New Treatments in Eye Care

Ease of use - B-; mostly technical issues

Excellent value for good CE. Very glad I spent my time in this way instead of worrying about COVID-19 and my practice. I'll get back to that now
Context - liked the diversity of topics.

Favorites - Stuck on You, Acquired Brain Injury (except for the terrible, inconsistent audio - I will definitely listen to this lecture again), Ten New Treatments in Eye Care

Ease of use - B-; mostly technical issues

Excellent value for good CE. Very glad I spent my time in this way instead of worrying about COVID-19 and my practice. I'll get back to that now

thanks for the input.

We have to check the problems.

Adam might have more to say about that.

We are offering these courses again at the end of May be be certain there are enough Live hours to satisfy state boards.

Let's see if we can improve.
Feedback is already coming in, which is good. Keep it coming ... and remember to fill out each course's survey. If you didn't like the content or speaker, say so there. We use that data when putting together next year's show.

The issue the person mentions below has to do with the way COPE changed their quiz requirement for live CE -- they dropped it, so we had to alter the software to accommodate this regualatory change while the system was still running (instead of taking our sweet time working on stuff in the off season.) Fortunately it worked, but it necessitated me making that instructional video at night on saturday!

The other bit of fun is that we had 4,000 registrants, and some classes had over 1,000 people simultaneously... it was unexpected and a bit of a shocker for us! (you could almost feel the hardware writhing in pain.)

-- ad


"Thank you personally for all of your prompt responses & professional care to 1st time doctors like myself to join your fantastic webinar.

Because I recruited 7 other ODs to join this weekend event, I apologize for my various questions throughout to assist myself & my colleagues. You were both responsive & knowledgeable.

We were impressed with how you even responded with changing from Quiz to Attendance through immediate video instructions to demystify online learning for many of us.

My feedback from my doctors were “Wow, I would do this online learning anytime” to “Why didn’t you tell me about this course sooner to tell my classmates” “ I learned so much!” And more.

I have been in practice over 20+ years in ophthalmology/optometry & have attended numerous hours of CE throughout the years from MDs/ODs. The majority of your lecturers were not only knowledgeable, clear in their 45-50 topics of expertise, gave real life examples in which we can see the slides to follow along, responded to questions right away, and top notch well respected colleagues as well.

I commend you & the organization for putting this together to help so many ODs in time of need but more importantly expand our knowledge in term of individualized studied where we have freedom to choose classes of our needs.

Your exhibit hall sponsored choices are great as well. You have made it simple & chose great sponsors too. Kuddos to Hank for being very resourceful & helpful through this process for 1st timers like me.

My husband & I help clients grow & license their businesses using various marketing strategies. For what you got, personally I think your weekend seminar can be higher price and still be worth every penny! "
so which were those..ten treatments was surely an infomercial, but tried not to be biased.

We had 63 hours of C/E offered. All were reviewed by COPE to be certain they were were not marketing for a company.

I would assume if a speaker discusses dry eye treatments, they may discuss products or instruments that work for them.

For those who have ethical sensitivities it's best to avoid those courses. For sure stay away from Webinars that are paid for by a company with a vested interest.

Show of hands, how many ODs refuse to attend breakfast meetings at conventions or dinner meeting paid for by an industry advertiser?
so which were those..ten treatments was surely an infomercial, but tried not to be biased.
These are the “top 10” classes so far in terms of attendance at the live event this weekend:




OCULAR AND ORBIT TRAUMA - Dr. Michael Trottini

OCT 2 - Dr. Mark Friedberg (MD)

Retinal Pathology: The Periphery Simply Can Not Be Ignored - Dr. Jeff Gerson


NARCOTICS: WHAT’S THE BUZZ - Dr. Ben Casella (meets the narcotics requirements in several states - TX, NJ, etc..)


COVID-19: Clinical Update - Dr. Ben Treat (PhD). (This one was just added to the conference, so it is up-to-date...)


I’m not sure how many of these top ones are “infomercials”, but the ones I watched weren’t — even brand names are covered up on the slides per COPE’s rules!

Changing Lives with Lenses: A new approach to vertical heterophoria.
Thanks for the feedback, Kenneth!

We adjust the courses each year based on survey responses -- there's a 2-minute (optional) survey that you can fill out at the end of each lecture, I hope you've been able to hit a few of those and leave feedback; without it, we can't know what to add and what to drop in the next go-around!

The nice part about having such a big turnout this year -- 4000 docs so far -- is that we are capturing a huge amount of statistically significant data that we can use to guide the next event.

thanks again!
Thanks for the feedback, Kenneth!

We adjust the courses each year based on survey responses -- there's a 2-minute (optional) survey that you can fill out at the end of each lecture, I hope you've been able to hit a few of those and leave feedback; without it, we can't know what to add and what to drop in the next go-around!

The nice part about having such a big turnout this year -- 4000 docs so far -- is that we are capturing a huge amount of statistically significant data that we can use to guide the next event.

thanks again!

Don't get me wrong, CEwire is excellent and a hit. My beef is with the one or two infomercial courses that slip in.
I missed the 2 minute optional surveys at the end of the lectures. Is there another way to get to the surveys.
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Changing Lives with Lenses: A new approach to vertical heterophoria.
I so wanted to like this one..but it lacked something...guess it did feel like..well if you really need to learn pay us money..Otherwise ..too bad.
I so wanted to like this one..but it lacked something...guess it did feel like..well if you really need to learn pay us money..Otherwise ..too bad.

You know I'm in the vertical prism camp with you. What was the catch?
The catch was that they were selling their course..
I believe it is well here is a taste, now come to our facility and we'll show you how we do it.

Here is the deal. I've been prescribing vertical for 40 years..and I have a lot of happy patients..

I have not one..not one who walked funny and now walks perfectly.

Most of my patients don't even know that they have an issue any issue.

I measure the vertical..ask them about reading or carsickness..they say sure...but doesn't everyone.

I say no.
Show them some they go.

NO one bumps into walls...and no one much cries with joy.
They are happier.

But none of this amazing change they show in the presentation.

Guess I'm just doing something wrong.

I only prescribe vertical prism once or twice a day..

I'm sure the rest of you do it much more.