Integrating New Refractive and Diagnostic Technology: Not Easy, But Essential


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego

Over the past decade, optometry has seen major advances in both refractive and diagnostic technology.

Despite its ability to improve patient care, patient throughput, and the bottom-line, implementing this technology in an existing practice has proven challenging for many practitioners.

In this Webinar, Dr. Lorie Lippiatt will provide us with real-life examples of how clinicians successfully integrate these new instruments into their practices.

We discuss:
  • The benefits of the new technology, including efficiency and improvements in clinical care
  • The resistance to implementation, and why some docs haven't made the leap
  • Impact on staff and workflow
  • Numerous real-life cases, illustrating how the devices get used in different patient encounters.

Our thanks again to Marco for sponsoring this event.
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Reactions: Martin Zebzda
In a similar vein, kudos to our very own LCT for his OM August article on the same subject.
Thanks again to Dr. Lippiatt, we've got the archive up and running now, hope everyone enjoys it. (and I hope to see everyone at AAO later in the week!)
I think the case on chalazion-induced corneal molding is interesting, but, in general, I don't see how the automated refraction-equipment has helped reach resolution in the cases shared.