Is google crawling ODWire?

Tom Stickel Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2001
The Eye Center, Inc.
Indiana U.
St. Louis
After reading Jeff's post about a web persona, I had to google myself. It's pretty boring stuff, since I'm pretty boring.

However, an ODWire post of mine did show up in the search results (that may explain why the FBI is here with a warrant from Alberto Gonzalez).

I thought this forum was (semi)private? How do posts end up on Google?
Good question

My impression was only the public discussions were picked up.

We'll have to check with Adam our Web master.
you are right

I have seen some of my posts crawling on google also, and many things we discuss are very confedential about pricing etc ... it would not be nice for the general public to find out.

the only messages that are open to web crawlers are those in the public forum. When they get to a 'private' forum page, they get bounced out just like any human would if they didn't have an account.

So, if you don't want something to show up in google, simply post on the forums that are for members only.

hope it helps
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tmmilburn said:
This website is posting some ODWire posts in a manner that could be harmful to some of our members. It appears in this case, than an ODWire member may have released this info.

They have removed the doctor's names... but a few days ago, the names of some ODWire
members were listed with their comments.

There is very little we can do here to prevent this. Paul tries to check everyone thoroughly, but since joining doesn't require address verification or money, making it leak-proof is very difficult. Copying content, even though against our terms of service and in violation of our copyright, is as easy as cutting-and-pasting.

So, whomever posted that piece was in clear violation of our copyright, and if we wanted to make a federal case out of it, we *could* pursue them, but the expense probably isn't worth it. (They posted the content to a blogspot site; blogspot is owned by google, with a subpoena it would be trivial to find out the IP that the post originated from, and ultimately catch the person who posted the data. Again, trivial, but probably not worth the expense unless it repeatedly happens.)

Alternatively, members can join POP, where every member is vetted by a credit card, so its 100% clear who is is browsing and posting.

hope it helps