ISVA 2021: On TheraSpecs blue blocking tech with Gloria Perez


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Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
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Just as an Gloria mentions an access code for a reduced price in the video, it is for ISVA2021 participants, but I figured we're all friends here on, so if you take the time to listen to the video, you can access it as well.

One of my take-aways from the video is the importance of having an in-office sample to show patients, so they are trying to get these into the hands of as many docs as possible.

Steve, what kind of a laser pointer are you using to demo the benefit if these tints? I like that this company is suggesting it for comfort of light sensitivity and not blue light "damage"
Steve, what kind of a laser pointer are you using to demo the benefit if these tints? I like that this company is suggesting it for comfort of light sensitivity and not blue light "damage"
Bluetech provided it to us when we started using their lenses years ago. It's very impressive to patients
here you go
Steve, that looks more like UV light than a laser. If you use it on photochromatics does it darken.

That is what I like about TheraSpecs, they do not seem to be touting blue light protection but decreased light sensitivity for migraine and post trauma patient.
Steve, that looks more like UV light than a laser. If you use it on photochromatics does it darken.

That is what I like about TheraSpecs, they do not seem to be touting blue light protection but decreased light sensitivity for migraine and post trauma patient.
And in the athletic context (what this conference was about) they were talking about glare reduction.
Bluetech provided it to us when we started using their lenses years ago. It's very impressive to patients
here you go
You DO realize she (BlueTech) used catch phrase "the harmful blue light" three times in her 1:15 presentation. Nice that TheraSpecs is trying to get away from the fake science and find a different approach to sell their stuff. But somehow I do not think that players in competitive sports are going to be wearing spectacles.

I believe when coaching sports it is far more important to repeat the phrase: "keep your eye on the ball." We know that works.

PS: Whatever happened to trigeminal dysphoria and the Neurolens fix? They still in business? Just curious.
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It is the light which you cannot see that is harmful.

Now that's the truth and pretty damn scary. Remember the ozone hole? Whatever happened to that?
I'm just following up here -- been a while since we've had a sunglass discussion, was wondering how people have been faring with these (ISVA folks represent!)
Listen, whether you do a #1 brown or pink tint or you use a subtractive method like a mirror coating, it gives a little reduction in the discomfort glare of a light source.

No, you don't protect your eyes a lick, especially compared to outdoors (and we need the harmful UV anyway).

Yes, you could achieve the exact same thing by adjusting the color temperature and the luminance of your screen.

It's a fad. People want it. I have it on mine (comped by Zeiss). I actually like the way it feels (like I like a brown sunlens vs a gray: complete matter of subjective taste).

It's not very much more expensive than a regular AR coating, which is demonstrably beneficial.

So I don't push it, but if asked I say I like mine for comfort, but it's not protective.

End of story.
We really ought to take down the ad..they do not answer and they do not return calls.
Theraspecs...sad..They are still worried about they could not answer the phone at home...
So, get this...they are voice mail only...
And...there is more...the number I could find was for patients only.

I'm sorry, but this is odd...
I finally spoke to someone..and they cannot provide me any idea of the price to doctors..

I'd love to know if anyone on ODwire purchased any I think they offered a free pair when they did CEwire last year. I'm not looking for free..but I'm looking for a company with communications..

Yes, I really like folks who answer phones. It's two years and they are still claiming Covid.
Oddly I think one of my opticians was speaking to them yesterday. She was finding out information about these tints for comfort for patients with migraines. I speak tomorrow about who she spoke to and the number and any pricing information.
Oddly I think one of my opticians was speaking to them yesterday. She was finding out information about these tints for comfort for patients with migraines. I speak tomorrow about who she spoke to and the number and any pricing information.
Well, perhaps she spoke to someone else...cause the "only person" who knows anything is out because of a death in the family.
Now, I'm surely sorry for "Greg", but how does one run a company with a total of one person who can speak to me.

I asked the person who...calls you back..because they "cannot" answer the phone...I said..well these are $ much do you suppose the wholesale is?

Oh I don't know that....Seriously? You have a total of one person in a company who knows the prices?

I'm not sure I'd buy them in any case. There are simply companies that are not smart enough to succeed.

So, where are the rest of the customers who got their ..what was pair after CEwire last year?

Truly, why are the ads still up? They aren't really in business...they are some sort of make believe outfit.

If an employee is out...where are the top folks? Why aren't they taking up the slack?

I'm done more...
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