More on LASIK/Google


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Hi all,

Just wanted to clarify why you tend to see so many "LASIK"ads when you first start browsing the site. They seem to rapidly fall away as you keep looking at the site, since most of what we talk about isn't LASIK-centric, or has very little to do with it.

MD's compete with each other intensely to get their LASIK ads up, so much so that they are probably costing them a fortune (their "cost-per-click", that is the average cost of each ad per times someone "clicks" on it) is probably several dollars at this point!

Because there are so many LASIK ads within google waiting to be seen, the system is never at a loss to show one.

Of course, when you read about stuff besides surgery, the ads become more appropriate for this forum.

Another non-eyecare example is mesothelioma. It's a somewhat rare cancer that people who inhale asbestos have a higher risk of developing.

Lawyers love to try mesothelioma cases, because it's like shooting fish in a barrel for them.

So, just like with LASIK, each lawyer fights to get his mesothelioma ad placed inside of google.

Google tries to 'localize' their ads to each particular person's market.

So, my two-pronged question for the folks reading this thread --

1) do you see ads related to LASIK or mesothelioma right now? (based on reading this thread) and

2) Are they for docs and lawyers in your particular area?

I know i'm seeing lots of ads for docs in my local area.


5 LASIK ads, 2 in NYC, 1 in NoCal, and two others that don't specify on your page.

When I get to the reply page, I get one ad for the see clearly method, 1 for Lasikvision, one for intralase, and one each for lasik in milwaukee and NYC.
hi tom,

it seems like google isn't geo-locating your ads very well.

if it makes you feel any better, you're wasting those remote LASIK center's dollars every time an ad for them comes up. ;)

(i seriously wonder how much it costs them to run those ads, if the geographic targeting is so off.. the ROI has to be worse than the phone book in that case)

Originally posted by Tom Stickel

5 LASIK ads, 2 in NYC, 1 in NoCal, and two others that don't specify on your page.

When I get to the reply page, I get one ad for the see clearly method, 1 for Lasikvision, one for intralase, and one each for lasik in milwaukee and NYC.
Jim Amundson said:
So every click costs them? Hmmm...... :D cannot suggest you click on the ads.

However it is one of the best learning experiences if you ever consider using Google or Yahoo advertising.