Of special interest if you have passed the exam for all thirty hours

Paul Farkas

Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
You have over two months to complete your courses and pass the exam for each course.

Send the a copy of the passed exams to afarkas@odwire.org.

Your name will be placed in a raffle. The winner will receive the newest Apple IPad.
You have over two months to complete your courses and pass the exam for each course.

Send the a copy of the passed exams to afarkas@odwire.org.

Your name will be placed in a raffle. The winner will receive the newest Apple IPad.

No need to send me anything -- I have a list of who has completed the entire run, i'll let you know when we draw the raffle, it is going to be after everything is finished.

Remember, you can still register for CEwire2015 and take the courses through August 17th!

I'm about through half but don't need any more credits so will wait to finish the others after June 30th so they apply to my next 2 year cycle of 20 online allowed.
I still have to even start mine by finding uninterrupted time.

Something of note. I got a survey today from UC Berkeley. It dealt with online continuing education. What did I think of their sample course. Would I use online courses. Then how many courses would I take at certain price points.

Ah, ha that is what I was waiting for. The price per unit were $30, $40 and $50 per unit. A Saturday/Sunday course totaling 16 units now runs right about $500 including lunch. As one can see $40 and $50 is way more than going to a course. The $30 option is equal to attending in person. Well I said no to $40 and $50 immediately and at $30 I might but they would be lucky if I took even one course. I expect online to cost less than in person with lunch, rental eliminated and speaking fees minimized.
I still have to even start mine by finding uninterrupted time.

Something of note. I got a survey today from UC Berkeley. It dealt with online continuing education. What did I think of their sample course. Would I use online courses. Then how many courses would I take at certain price points.

Ah, ha that is what I was waiting for. The price per unit were $30, $40 and $50 per unit. A Saturday/Sunday course totaling 16 units now runs right about $500 including lunch. As one can see $40 and $50 is way more than going to a course. The $30 option is equal to attending in person. Well I said no to $40 and $50 immediately and at $30 I might but they would be lucky if I took even one course. I expect online to cost less than in person with lunch, rental eliminated and speaking fees minimized.

Was our $3 a unit too cheap?!
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. I expect online to cost less than in person with lunch, rental eliminated and speaking fees minimized.

One thing you should not expect are CEwire speaking fees minimized.

Too attract quality speakers, who make great efforts to prepare interesting courses, a compensation should be offered that is even greater than a one time in person shot.

Speakers have to submit to a double COPE acceptance for state board approval for on line courses.

In addition, then commit a day to interact with participants on the day of their course. After completion, the speakers allow their course to fee taken "On Demand" for three months.

That is worth a generous compensation. I hope many of the over 1400 ODs who took the courses will take all 29 hours pass the exam and compete for the IPad prize.
One thing you should not expect are CEwire speaking fees minimized.

Too attract quality speakers, who make great efforts to prepare interesting courses, a compensation should be offered that is even greater than a one time in person shot.

If I could have, I would have paid the speakers even more. (As it stands, last month when I attended the AOA I had industry folks calling me a sucker for paying as much as we did to the speakers!)

But the reality is that they are the ones who produce the great content, they put in the work in to make the show memorable. They let us keep each talk up for 90 days. We are just a conduit -- Without them, it would have been Paul and me tap-dancing or juggling or something for 30 hours. And no one wants to see that!

As Paul mentioned, we're finishing up with about 1,400 OD attendees for this show; this is a great start -- at that level, we can afford to continue to pay our speakers properly at the next show, AND keep the price low for participants. We won't earn a fortune, but so what! That's not what CE is about.
If I could have, I would have paid the speakers even more. (As it stands, last month when I attended the AOA I had industry folks calling me a sucker for paying as much as we did to the speakers!)

But the reality is that they are the ones who produce the great content, they put in the work in to make the show memorable. They let us keep each talk up for 90 days. We are just a conduit -- Without them, it would have been Paul and me tap-dancing or juggling or something for 30 hours. And no one wants to see that!

As Paul mentioned, we're finishing up with about 1,400 OD attendees for this show; this is a great start -- at that level, we can afford to continue to pay our speakers properly at the next show, AND keep the price low for participants. We won't earn a fortune, but so what! That's not what CE is about.
You might be surprised what some would pay for..... hmmm, Paul tap dancing or juggling, which first. Ah, whatever he wants, we have 30 hours....
One thing you should not expect are CEwire speaking fees minimized.

What I meant is that UCB no doubt flies out their speakers and puts them up for at least a day.

When there is a 3 day session there would be at least 3-4 speakers from outside the state while the rest might be local. What irks me about their programs is that there is a limited amount of material i.e. glaucoma, anterior, posterior and drugs to fulfill the state requirements.

Things don't change that fast and so I sit through programs that are almost repeats but with different speakers. For that I should get a discount. Forget anything else since CA is pretty specific about what units you need.

Consequently you will never see a class on coding, practice management or what is new in contacts.
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Things don't change that fast and so I sit through programs that are almost repeats but with different speakers. For that I should get a discount. Forget anything else since CA is pretty specific about what units you need.

Your state board is made of for the most part colleagues. If unhappy about what they consider important ask them, to explain or change.

I hope we can see more online credit hours allowed.Now that optometry colleges are expressing an interest in offering courses maybe we can see that happen.
Only one week left to complete your 29 hours and pass the exam.

So far has received less than 20 notifications. That means your chance of winning an iPad are quite good.

The real reward is taking advantage of the courses before they vanish on 8/18/15.
29 hours and I thought most were great. Caught several live and the Q & A was nice to have available.