Site Upgrades: Any Requests?


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
The site has undergone a number of upgrades in recent days. Are there any features that are lacking that you would like to see implemented?
(don't be shy....)
why not have a chat room?

this site is not as userfriendly as it could have been. Though I can not comment on it as I am not an expert, you could make things easier to find.
I can elaborate further if you are interested.
Please Elaborate

Hi Ajit:

Those of us actively involved in running it, use daily. We are most familiar with the site. A member's views are appreciated ot point out problems.

Please be specific in what area do you find difficulty finding material.

The site has a headline on the home page to inform you of new material. In addition you receive an E mail, if there is reply to your post. All new posts that you have not read are highlighted. If there is something else, we can do to make finding material easier let us know.

Replies are as simple as sending E mail.

We have upgraded the site to increase speed and efficiency. The limiting factors are your computer and your internet service provider.

We do want to make certain the use of the site is user friendly because many of our members are new to computers and the Internet.

Your suggestions and recommendations are welcome.

user friendliness

You sent a recent message saying you had posted a survey to which no one responded. You took this to mean no one cared. (AOA and sponsorships).

I came to the site to find it. I didn't see it on the front page and quickly gave up looking through several posts.

I feel like if I look hard enough or if I use the site every day, I probably will find all the bells and whistles. As an infrequent user, I don't know how to find things of interest without wading through lots of other stuff.

Maybe a VERY obviously placed, quick tutorial on the home page would be useful? Just diagrams or something like that, indicating all the features, including how to search for threads on a desired topic?

I have recently started using the optcomlist, again, as well as and the VTOD-list. I find the methods those forums use makes information somewhat easier to digest.

I don't post this to complain, however. I like the information here and don't want to lose it. I just wonder if it could be made easier to find.
A Useful Suggestion

Hi Clint:

I'll pass your remarks along to our Web master, Docwolf to determine, if he can come with a creative solution. If programming becomes time consuming or affects the intergrity of the web site, we must pass.

Our Web master, watches over us whenever he can spare a moment. His day job as Adam W. Farkas,M.D.,M.B.A. and President/CEO of a Bioscience Company really requires most of his attention.

What to do for the time being? Happily our non-commercial web site has been well accepted by the optometric community. As a result we have a multitude of Private Forums running with many topics underway.

Unless you log on weekly, it is easy to get lost as you indicated. As a guide, look at the Home Page under Site News. I try to keep the topics of greatest interest listed.

Thank you for your suggestions and continued support.
You could fix the time:

"All times are GMT +10 hours. The time now is 12:57 AM."

The GMT+10 hours is right. But the 12:57 AM is one hour fast. Gives me a heart attack for staying up too late when it's really a hour earlier. :)
We're listening

I'll pass the GMT problem along to Docwolf.

Our website is a not for profit non-commercial site. I believe has a classified section.

I did have a few requests privately for a "Personals" site for ODs with common interests to communicate via the "Private Message" feature.

Is match making a commercial endeavor?

I'm not suggesting that SeniorDoc make a profit from Classifieds. I thought it might be a good place for SeniorDocs to post practices that they may be selling. is that being "for-profit"?

I know Optcom has classifieds, but as SeniorDoc grows (and I think it will) this may become a better resource.
Originally posted by drrehak
I'm not suggesting that SeniorDoc make a profit from Classifieds. I thought it might be a good place for SeniorDocs to post practices that they may be selling. is that being "for-profit"?

I know Optcom has classifieds, but as SeniorDoc grows (and I think it will) this may become a better resource.

I agree 100% -- and I wish i had more time right now to implement these features.

Unfortunately, since I work on seniordoc in my spare time, it'll have to take a back-seat for a little while.

My company is working on a tool that will really help optometrists compete with mail order, so my day job is occupying 100% of my time at this point.

But i'll consider making these modifications as soon as time allows.

What is already in position is "Student Match!".

ODs who are interested in selling now or in the future can list and have Students and Recent Grads respond by e mail. If there is a mutual interest, a visit can be arranged.

Look to your left on the Main Menu for complete details.