Taking "The Full Monty"


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Hi all, just one interesting observation --
I was contacted by one CEwire2015 participant this morning who has now taken -- and submitted -- 22 hours to their board! They are going to try to take them all, b/c their state/province allows it!

I haven't look at the stats yet, but i'll be curious to see how many credits, on average, people will take over the 3 months the courses are up. I guess offering 30 wasn't as crazy as it seemed...

Well cool. I'd like to see how it turns out. In Tennessee we're only allowed six online hours per year (12 in two years technically) but I'd like to see that restriction lifted if a test is given at the end of the online CE.

Keep us posted @AdminWolf
I took several hours of CE in California several years ago put on by the AOS. The quality of the CE was really incredible and met several really cool people but the State of Texas never awarded any CE credit from the AOS event. I'm afraid many states will politicize this and not allow CE credit...Texas included. I think that's a joke considering this is the same state that allows CE credit just by listening to vendor presentations at the TOA meetings, but alas, this is the state I have chosen.
Adam...I gotta say..."Thank You" for CEWIRE...

I didn't think I'd like online courses due to my experience with the Wed. nite ODwire webinars and falling asleep after 15 minutes.

I signed up anyway because the lectures seemed outstanding. Glad I did.

What a difference doing the CE in the morning with a cup of coffee...I'm lovin it.

ps.. I also signed up my 70+ year old partner and set up his notebook with Icons for the vconference and memorized his login and passwords....he is doing it as well and has only positive comments

In NJ you can take 20 CE online....and use 10 max for TPA and Oral credits, the other 10 are good for non TPA/Oral.
I believe in IL, they should allow all CE credits to be online, including testing. There really is no difference between in person courses that let you take the questions home and mail in the answers.
I believe in IL, they should allow all CE credits to be online, including testing. There really is no difference between in person courses that let you take the questions home and mail in the answers.

We've developed a matrix of the states and province's allowable hours, hopefully it is somewhat accurate.

I am hoping -- for everyone's sake -- that some states which have historically lagged in allowing online CE will get with the program.

The only way it will happen though is if constituents (ie, you guys) talk to the folks on your board.