Thanks for joining us live at CEwire2017!


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
The live portion of CEwire2017 is in the books. Thanks so much to everyone for coming! It was by far the most 'interactive' session we've had. People really stepped up this time and asked a bunch of questions. I guess everyone is getting comfortable with the format!!

Interviews with the speakers will be put up on the site over the coming week. Remember you can still sign up for CEwire2017 and take courses through May 1, 2017!

Many of the vendor discounts in the exhibit hall are still valid -- including 0% down and 0 payments until 2018 for an Optovue OCT!

Learn more about the conference & sign up!
If anyone has feedback for us, we'd love to hear it.

Just informally in my role doing 'tech support', it seemed like I had far fewer requests than last time. Practice makes perfect i guess!
So sorry I wasn't able to be there this year!