What wavefront data should you use to select EDOF IOLs for patients?


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego

Question 2:
What wavefront data do you use to select Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOLs for patients?

From the Marco Power Forum III New Orleans, LA

Larry Patterson, MD
Mitch Jackson, MD
Cynthia Matossian, MD
Neda Shamie, MD
Toby Tyson, MD

Thanks to Marco for letting me re-post this; I realize the panel and the video was aimed at OMDs primarily, but so much of the discussion is highly relevant to ODs. -- adam

Other videos from the Power Forum III:

Question 1: How does data from Angles Alpha & Kappa, Corneal SA, Coma, pupil size, and Corneal vs. Lenticular Astigmatism improve your premium IOL selections and outcomes?

Question 2: What wavefront data should you use to select EDOF IOLs for patients?

Question 3: What are the multi-function benefits of using an integrated Wavefront Aberrometer, registered on the patient’s optical center?

Question 4: When OSD is discovered prior to surgery, should you postpone the procedure for treatment, or stabilize the tear film, then proceed with surgery?

Question 5: How do we characterize and localize Astigmatisms within the optical pathway?

Question 6: How do you manage patient expectations and IOL selection?

Question 7: How do we measure OPD ROI and monetize the advanced diagnostic test regimen?
My guess:
1. Any weird HOA (which is rare by definition)
2. Any high amount of positive SA would render the EDOF lens more powerful, ergo they may wish to overminus a quarter diopter.
3. Post-refractive surgery patients probably should NOT be getting these lenses at all.