
Digital Transformation: How to Future Proof your Practice

As you continue to see patients in the “new normal”, it will be essential to increase the speed of patient throughput to make up for canceled appointments, while balancing making the most of every visit.

If going digital is one of your long-term business objectives, it has become an even more relevant strategy today. Digital refraction offers one way forward to jumpstart your digital transformation while providing an integrated platform for remote-ready eye exams.

Jordan Jones, OD, optometrist and director at Wear Eyewear, explores the value of digital transformation — before, during and beyond the pandemic.

This webinar takes a closer look at the benefits of Visionix® VX65 digital refraction and integrated Visionix® solutions to evolve your practice and help more patients.

Attendees of this course will:

* Explore the clinical application of implementing integrated Visionix® solutions to start digital transformation,
* Understand the benefits of the remote-ready and tablet-driven operation,
* Navigate return on investment (ROI) considerations.


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