Would you like to minimize the influence of managed care on your practice, but don’t know where to begin?
In this exclusive, new online workshop, Susan Resnick, OD and Viola Kanevsky, OD — who for the past several decades have both run successful optometric practices free of managed care — give you concrete, practical advice on how to build your practice by offering products and services to patients without the involvement of 3rd party insurance companies.
The workshop will feature an interactive discussion, including:
* The importance and value of adopting technology and products which clinically differentiate the independent practice and provide avenues of profit protection.
* Real-world applications of these clinical products and techniques in practice, and the economics and business model behind each.
* Marketing tips from clinicians who have successfully made the transition
* Interactive Q&A with attendees
* Written materials (PDF, Word documents) to use as templates to help kick-start the process in your own office.
* Exclusive access to an online community of like-minded clinicians, for further discussion in a secure, private space.
* Discounts from conference sponsors: Art Optical, Euclid, EyeCarePro, Neurolens, SpecialEyes, VTi/NaturalVue
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in this thread!